Pop on a beret, grab a paintbrush and a cheeky sip, and watch as your team transforms from 'I can't' to 'I can't believe I made this!'
From classic paint & sip workshops to collaborative murals, we're here to build your team's creativity and confidence!
Pick your challenge...

Everything you need to create a masterpiece in minutes! Each box comes packed with premium art supplies, treats, and cheeky sips.
Whether you join our live online workshops or paint at your own pace with our on-demand sessions, we'll guide you from zero to Picasso.
Ready to flamin-go?

New to ART SIPPERS? The Classic box is the ideal starter kit that has everything you need to create your first masterpiece!
Perfect gift for creatives and amateur artists

647 customers bought this
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Extra sips or extra snacks we got you!
Follow step-by-step instructions to create wall-worthy art.
Can't join live? Simply select on-demand art tutorials.
Snap a pic of your masterpiece.
Share, if you dare! #ARTSIPPERSCHALLENGE
Free gift box and beret nice swag worth £69.99? Yes please!
Monet Monet Monet. Special 20% Sippers discount and perks.
Unlimited access to LIVE online workshops twice a month.
Anytime. Anywhere. Exclusive access to large library of art tutorials.
Create and connect with our curious community of creatives.
Develop your creative skills and go from Zero to Picasso.
