A few years ago I met Imran in the loading bay at an events depot in Woking.
He told me that he recently quit his job to start a new drinks company called @Espraladrinks 🍹
And that he was looking for an event manager to help promote them for him.
We swapped numbers and that was the end of it…
When lockdown happened ALL of our events work dried up. 😳
Overnight our little side hustle @ARTSIPPERS quickly turned into our only full time position. 🎨🖌
With everyone sitting at home, we decided to make our own creative gift boxes.
Imran was the first person we spoke with to help supply us with the drinks aka the sips!
But, with a limited budget to make large wholesale orders...
We assumed another rejection was coming our way.
But, luckily Imran was looking for an innovative way to get people to sample his new drinks. 💡
Since then a little partnership was born! 🚀
👌 He has given us invaluable advice and support on our journey so far.
👌 He has taught us how to make ‘proper’ coffee.
👌 We have played jenga ‘millions’ of times with his girls Siyanna and Gabriella.
👌 And we have watched his adorable family and drinks business grow.
From a simple supplier… to someone that we would consider a companion on the path, a mentor and friend.
If you ever buy one of our creative boxes or corporate gift boxes...🎁
Be sure that you can find Imran’s tasty sip @Espraladrinks inside.
Not only will you be supporting us... but you will be supporting another small business owner in the process. 🙌